Welcome, Beloved of God

This is not a mistake. This is not a coincidence that you are here at this moment.


It is a privilege and an honor to welcome you to A Life of Prayer. You did not just stumble upon our website by chance. Before God formed or framed the universe and all that is in it. Even before he spoke the cosmos into existence, before the Internet came into the minds of men, God destined this moment for you to visit our website, A Life of Prayer. Jesus lived a life of prayer. His followers are called to live a life of prayer. The truth God revealed to our ministry and to our founder, about the need to live a life of prayer, will give you a glimpse into God's Grace. This truth will stay with you the rest of your life, to impart to your loved ones and your generation.

Every moment in the life of Jesus, whether on earth or in heaven, is lived in the Power of Heaven, by the Power of the Holy Spirit. Prayer is the connection between us and heaven and between God and man. Only by the power of prayer can you live on earth in the Power of Heaven. We do this by the Person and Power of the Holy Spirit. To understand this, the model for prayer is the prayer life of Jesus. Jesus lives in us, and it is He who teaches us to pray. Jesus alone through the Power of the Holy Spirit living in us brings about His praying life in us. The life a believer is living in the paradox of prayer, lived every moment we breathe in communion with God, in the Person of Jesus, by the Power of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit of God dwells in every believer. He is the source of the believer’s true life. The Holy Spirit intercedes through us. Jesus Christ, who searches our hearts, knows the mind of the Spirit and intercedes for us, according to the Will of God. Prayer is an action that begins in heaven, in the realm of the Spirit. The manifestations of that action take place through circumstance in the material realm, on earth.
My prayer for you is that you will use the resources available on our website to help you develop a life of prayer and to live a life of prayer. I pray you come to know God's plan for your life, and that your life will come into alignment with God’s vision. I believe great things are in store for those that believe in His Name.

I hope to see and hear of the miracles in your life and the lives of your family and friends. God's great love is found in the Person of Jesus Christ, both Lord, and Savior. I pray that you come to know Him and that you live a life of prayer.